Monday, December 05, 2005
What am I looking for?
What am I looking for in the end? What is it that really matters? Maybe Pleasure? Joy? What about Happiness? Should I care about my health, quit coffee or other delicious things because they are armful to my body? Should I find the balance between body and mind, starting to clean up the first so that conscience would follow? Should I try to put myself into situations never experienced before?
To breath fresh air and keep my spirit alive. That is what I am going to do. Or should I rather study, grow professionally and cultivate my career?
Don't Trust Anybody Over Thirty.
Friday, November 25, 2005
La Medicina. (Medicine, Medizina)

On a Friday one tend to relax because it is the end of the week, the week end is about to begin. It made less productive today but around three, when I thought I was about to give up, a new spirit came in and brought renewed energy.
I said to myself: "This will be done by the end of the day, whatever time it may take."; it worked. What I promised myself to do was done and I stepped out 'cause I couldn't wait any longer for the week end to begin.
And there was winter, all of a sudden, deep, cold rainy streets. I was in such a storm, walking to the office this morning, I would had really want to be everywhere else but there but one just follows his instincts and does what he, in that very self moment, considers right to do. It comes so natural that just talking about it makes it loose its conceptual simplicity. But is after all this simple?
That is why medicine, because medicine heals. Can it be found only inside us or can it be found elsewhere? Sure we always look for something to alleviate our pain, our fears and our monotonous habits.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
I knew it
Monday, August 29, 2005
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Hmmm I do not listen to my inner voice...
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Ops I did it again
That was the beginning of the end.